Temporary Clinical Privileges - Ancillary Volunteers and Practioners Nurse and Ancillary Volunteers (respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, radiology technicians, etc.) may be granted temporary clinical status when the Emergency Operations Plan has been activated and MPMC is unable to handle the immediate patient needs. The Department of Nursing and Human Resources are responsible for verifying and validating the credentials of the registered nurse (RN) and/or licensed practical nurse (LPN) volunteers. The MPMC Vice President of Nursing and/or her designee has the option to grant the temporary volunteer status. Procedure The guidelines for temporary assignment of clinical volunteer positions to non-system nurse volunteers are as follows: 1. Hospital approved identification badges will be issued. 2. Human Resources perform verification of credentials as soon as possible. 3. The verification process is identical to the process established for unpaid temporary staff. 4. The Vice President of Nursing or designee may grant temporary volunteer status upon presentation of any of the following: A current picture identification card from a health care organization that clearly identifies professional designation. A current license, registration, or certificate to practice and a valid picture identification card issued by a state, federal, or regulatory agency. Identification indicating that the individual is a member of a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) or other recognized state or federal response organization or group. Presentation by current hospital employee with personal knowledge regarding the nurse's volunteer's identity. Websites for License Verifications http://www.ncbon.com http://www.ncnar.org http://www.arrt.org http://www.nmtcb.org http://www.ardms.org http://www.ncbdn.org http://www.cdrnet.org http://www.ncbot.org http://www.ncbop.org.namesAA.asp http://www.ncptboard.org/search.asp http://www.nccbsw.org.search.asp http://www.ncboeslpa.org http://www.ncrcb.org/directory.html http://www.ncbon.com RN, LPN, NAII http://www.ncnar.org NAI http://www.arrt.org Rad Tech, CT http://www.nmtcb.org Nuc Med Tech http://www.ardms.org Med Sonographer http://www.ncbdn.org Licensed Dietitian http://www.cdrnet.org Registered Dietitian http://www.ncbot.org OT http://www.ncbop.org.namesAA.asp Pharmacist and Techs http://www.ncptboard.org/search.asp PT http://www.nccbsw.org.search.asp Social Workers http://www.ncboeslpa.org Speech Language Path http://www.ncrcb.org/directory.html Resp Therapist MPMC will determine within 72 hours of the practitioner's arrival if granted disaster privileges should continue. Primary source verification of licensure occurs as soon as the immediate emergency situation is under control or within 72 hours from the time the volunteer licensed independent practitioner presents him- or herself to the hospital, whichever comes first. If primary source verification of a volunteer licensed independent practitioner's licensure cannot be completed within 72 hours of the practitioner's arrival due to extraordinary circumstances, the hospital documents all of the following: The reason(s) it could not be performed within 72 hours of the practitioner's arrival, evidence of the licensed independent practitioner's demonstrated ability to continue to provide adequate care, treatment, and services and evidence of the hospital's attempt to perform primary source verification as soon as possible. If, due to extraordinary circumstances, primary source verification of licensure of the volunteer licensed independent practitioner cannot be completed within 72 hours of the practitioner's arrival, it is performed as soon as possible. Note: Primary source verification of licensure is not required if the volunteer licensed independent practitioner has not provided care, treatment, or services under the disaster privileges. |
Maria Parham Medical Center, 566 Ruin Creek Road, Henderson, NC 27536, (252) 438-4143 |
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