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Resource and Asset Management
The hospital that continues to provide care, treatment, and services to its patients during emergencies needs to determine how resources and assets (that is, supplies, equipment, and facilities) will be managed internally and, when necessary, solicited and acquired from external sources such as vendors, neighboring health care providers, other community organizations, state affiliates, or a regional parent company.  The hospital should also recognize the risk that some resources may not be available from planned sources, particularly in emergencies of long duration or broad geographic scope, and that contingency plans will be necessary for critical supplies.  This situation may occur when multiple hospitals are vying for a limited supply from the same vendor.  
The following departments are required to maintain emergency sub-plans for procuring supplies to maintain essential services within MPMC:

Emergency Department
Materials Management   
Food & Nutrition Services 
(EP1)  How will MPMC obtain and replenish medications and related supplies that will be required throughout the response and recovery phases of an emergency, including access to and distribution of caches that may be stockpiled by the hospital, its affiliates, or local, state, or federal sources? 
MPMC will maintain medications through normal supply, distribution channels, and mutual-aid agreements.  During an emergency, through mutual-aid agreements, through use of NCSMARTT, and through working with the county and state organizations, MPMC should be able to maintain pharmaceutical levels. 
(EP2)  How will MPMC obtain and replenish medical supplies that will be required throughout the response and recovery phases of an emergency, including personal protective equipment where required. 
MPMC will maintain supplies through normal supply and distribution channels.  Materials Management is responsible for supply chain management.  Required levels of non-medical supplies will be maintained above par level for as long as possible during the response and recovery phase using regular and contingency contracts.   
During an emergency, the incident management team will obtain supplies through appropriate procurement authorities.  MPMC may also utilize alternative vendors, emergency PO (purchase Orders) with vendors, request supplies through Vance County Emergency Management, and NCSMARTT to coordinate emergency supplies through mutual-aid agreements with neighboring hospitals and/or healthcare systems.  Supply levels are flexed throughout a response and recovery phase. 
(EP4)  How will MPMC share resources and assets with other health care organizations within the community, if necessary?  Note: Examples of resources and assets that might be shared include beds, transportation, linens, fuel, personal protective equipment, medical equipment, and supplies.

(EP5) How will MPMC share resources and assets with other health care organizations outside the community, if necessary, in the event of a regional or prolonged disaster?  Note: Examples of resources and assets that might be shared include beds, transportation, linens, fuel, personal protective equipment, medical equipment, and supplies.

(EP6)  How the hospital will monitor quantities of its resources and assets during an emergency.  
Potential sharing of resources and assets will be coordinated through the CEO/IC, AOC, and/or the incident command staff in collaboration with Materials Management and/or the appropriate authority.  The incident command staff will track requested equipment using HICS form 257 – Resource Accounting Record. 
(EP9)  The hospital's arrangements for transporting some or all patients, their medications, supplies, equipment, and staff to an alternative care site(s) when the environment cannot support care, treatment, and services. 

(EP10)  The hospital's arrangements for transferring pertinent information, including essential clinical and medication-related information, with patients moving to alternative care sites. 
MPMC will rely on Vance County EMS and staff to assist with relocating patients internally during an event.  MPMC will rely on Vance County Emergency Management and their mutual aid agreements to assist with coordinating such transportation arrangements to external sites.  The incident command staff (Planning Section - Patient Tracking Manager) will use form HICS 255 – Master Patient Evacuation Tracking Form to record information concerning patient disposition during a hospital/facility evacuation.   
(EM.3.01.01#3)  MPMC annually reviews its equipment and inventory.  The findings of this review are documented.